Jan 3, 2023IWESCO holds ISO 14001 environmental certificationIWESCO holds International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 14001 certification for environmental management
May 30, 2022How to honour World Environment Day in South AfricaWorld Environment Day takes place on Sunday, 5 June 2022. Here's how you can celebrate the day in South Africa...
Apr 17, 2021Burying organic food waste can make your garden flourishBurying a large portion of your food waste in your garden can improve the consistency of your soil to help your garden flourish.
Dec 9, 2020Why you should choose a sustainable contract cleaning serviceIWESCO helps clients to minimise their environmental impact and actively strives for better sustainability.
Aug 20, 2020Six ways to be environmentally-friendly during lockdownSouth Africans have become more innovative in finding ways to live a regular life under lockdown. Here are six ways to help our planet...