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Good hygiene practices that should stay after the virus

Good hygiene practices that should stay after the virus

If any good has come from the global pandemic, it’s that hygiene practices have become heightened and ingrained in the minds of every individual. Personal hygiene is not only a key factor in minimising the spread of the virus, it is also vital for wellbeing and the prevention of many other illnesses. It also ensures that homes are clean and free from bacteria and microorganisms.

People have become aware of the fact that a visibly clean surface does not mean that it is hygienic or disinfected. In order to ensure that commonly-touched objects are sanitised, they must be cleaned properly using the right chemicals and detergents. These improved hygiene practices have been heavily publicised during 2020 and many of them should remain once the virus has subsided in the future.

Positive hygiene practices that must stay after the pandemic

  • Cleaning regularly-touched objects - High-touch surfaces and objects in the home should be cleaned and disinfected more often. This includes television remotes, light switches, computer keyboards, door handles and even the flush handle on the toilet. Many of these surfaces and objects are forgotten about, yet they are some of the most common breeding sites for bacteria.

  • Using disinfectant chemicals - Some brands of regular cleaning chemicals are not sufficient to kill viruses and bacteria. People have become aware of what chemicals can be used to properly disinfect objects and surfaces. After the pandemic, continue using alcohol-based cleaning products to disinfect surfaces in the home. This will also help to prevent the spread of seasonal flu and other common illnesses.

  • Hand sanitising - Before the virus, few people carried hand sanitiser with them. Now, almost everyone has access to hand sanitiser. Once the virus has subsided, we should continue to sanitise our hands after handling cash, removing bin bags, touching dirty objects and visiting the doctor. This is a hygiene practice that should stay, albeit in less frequency than is currently expected.

  • Improving laundry - Most people would pile their laundry into the washing machine and run it on a regular or eco-friendly cycle. For improved hygiene, high-risk clothing such as gym gear, uniforms, towels and healthcare garments should be washed separately and at 60°C. The remaining laundry can be washed at 40°C or on a cold cycle for better efficiency.

  • Dusting properly - Dusting is a necessary part of cleaning a home and should be done on a weekly basis, at the very least. Dust can build up quickly, which can cause respiratory problems and allergies. It is important to vacuum behind furniture, fridges, stoves and cabinets; not just dust their upper surfaces. Open the windows to ventilate the home and continue to use disinfectant solutions when cleaning dusty surfaces.

These simple hygiene practices have been improved during 2020 thanks to the global pandemic. People are paying more attention to their personal cleanliness and this can help to improve wellbeing going forwards, even when the threat of the virus is no longer such a big issue.


IWESCO offers specialised cleaning and waste control services to industrial and commercial customers in South Africa. These services are aimed at minimising our customers’ impact on the environment. Our services also include pest control, garden maintenance, fogging and disinfecting. Our staff are highly trained to offer the most professional services. IWESCO is a Level 2 B-BBEE supplier with ISO 14001 certification for environmental management.

We are a one-stop shop for all your contract cleaning and waste control needs and have a national footprint. Our head office is located in Tshwane but we can provide services to any industrial and commercial client in the major metropolitan areas around South Africa, including Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban, Port Elizabeth, Mbombela and more.

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